God put all His energy into creating all things and human beings. He invested everything and then gave still more. Other things are depleted when they are poured out, but with true love, the more you give, the more your creation prospers and the more it gives back. If you invest 100 units of true love, 120 will come back. Therefore, although those who practice true love seem like they are going to perish, they will not perish; rather, they will prosper eternally and live forever.

하나님께서는 만물인간창조를 위해 온갖 힘을 투입하셨습니다. 전부투입하고 또 투입하셨습니다. 다른 것은 투입하면 전부 소모되지만 참사랑만은 투입하면 투입할수록 더 번성하고 생산됩니다.사랑은 100을 투입하면 120이 돌아옵니다. 그렇기 때문에 참사랑실천하는 자가 망할 것 같지만 망하지 아니하고 영원히 번성하며 영생하는 것입니다.

Sun Myung Moon

(219-118, 1991.8.28)

Themes: God, love, personality