1.1 Why Jacob’s Course and Moses’ Course Were Set Up as the Models for Jesus’ Course
1.2 Jacob’s Course as the Model for Moses’ and Jesus’ Courses
Section 2. The Providence of Restoration under the Leadership of Moses
2.1 Overview of the Providence Led by Moses
2.1.1 The Foundation of Faith The Central Figure to Restore the Foundation of Faith The Object for the Condition in Restoring the Foundation of Faith
2.1.2 The Foundation of Substance
2.1.3 The Foundation for the Messiah
2.2 The National Courses to Restore Canaan under the Leadership of Moses
2.2.1 The First National Course to Restore Canaan The Foundation of Faith The Foundation of Substance The Failure of the First National Course to Restore Canaan
2.2.2 The Second National Course to Restore Canaan The Foundation of Faith The Foundation of Substance The Providence of Restoration and the Tabernacle The Significance and Purpose of the Tablets of Stone, the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant The Foundation for the Tabernacle
The First Foundation for the Tabernacle
The Second Foundation for the Tabernacle
The Third Foundation for the Tabernacle The Failure of the Second National Course to Restore Canaan
2.2.3 The Third National Course to Restore Canaan The Foundation of Faith The Foundation of Substance The Foundation of Substance Centered on Moses The Foundation of Substance Centered on Joshua The Foundation for the Messiah
2.3 Some Lessons from Moses’ Course
Section 3. The Providence of Restoration under the Leadership of Jesus
3.1 The First Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan
3.1.1 The Foundation of Faith
3.1.2 The Foundation of Substance
3.1.3 The Failure of the First Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan
3.2 The Second Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan
3.2.1 The Foundation of Faith Jesus Takes On the Mission of John the Baptist Jesus’ Forty-Day Fast and Three Temptations in the Wilderness The Result of the Forty-Day Fast and the Three Temptations
3.2.2 The Foundation of Substance
3.2.3 The Failure of the Second Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan
3.3 The Third Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan
3.3.1 The Spiritual Course to Restore Canaan under Jesus’ Leadership The Spiritual Foundation of Faith The Spiritual Foundation of Substance The Spiritual Foundation for the Messiah The Restoration of Spiritual Canaan
3.3.2 The Course to Restore Substantial Canaan under the Leadership of Christ at the Second Advent
3.4 Some Lessons from Jesus’ Course
아모스 3장 7절에 주 여호와께서는 자기의 비밀을 그 종 선지자들에게 보이지 아니하시고는 결코 행하심이 없으시리라고 기록되어 있는 말씀대로, 성서는 하나님의 구원섭리(救援攝理)에 관한 수많은 비밀을 간직하고 있다. 그러나 인간은 하나님의 섭리에 대한 원리를 몰랐기 때문에, 성서를 보아도 그 숨은 뜻을 알 길이 없었다. 성서에서는 하나의 선지자(先知者)의 생애에 대한 기록도 그것의 실상은 단순히 그의 역사에만 멎어지는 것이 아니고, 그 선지자의 생애를 통하여 타락인간(墮落人間)이 가야 할 길을 보여 준 것이다. 여기에서는 특히 하나님이 야곱과 모세를 세워 복귀섭리노정(復歸攝理路程)을 걷게 하시어, 그것으로써 장차 예수님이 오셔서 인류의 구원을 위하여 걸으실 섭리노정을 어떻게 미리 보여 주셨는가 하는 것을 알아보기로 하겠다.
The Bible contains many secrets concerning God’s work of salvation. It is written, “Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). However, without knowing the principle behind God’s providence, people have been unable to discern the mysteries concealed in the Bible. The biblical account of a prophet’s life is not merely a record of history. Rather, through the life course of a prophet, the Bible discloses the way for fallen people to walk. In particular, we shall examine how God set up the providential courses of Jacob and Moses as models for Jesus’ course to save humankind.