Quotes about shimjeong

From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

Be a hero of love and hero of shimjeong. No matter how great a man you may be, you will be a failure unless you conquer the shimjeong of mankind.

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Treading the path in the valley of the shimjeong is painful and miserable. As you dig in deeper, the more tears are shed and no trace of yourself can be found.

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A good man is one who can always embrace everything with his shimjeong, whatever he sees and wherever he goes.

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In the realm of shimjeong, there are vertical relations (with parents), horizontal relations (between husband and wife) and relations of left and right (among brothers and sisters).

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The world of shimjeong is unchanging. But in that world even when the same thing is repeated again and again you never get tired of it.

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