Quotes about shimjeong

From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

It is the parental shimjeong, to want your children to establish families and clans that will be envied by the nation and the whole world.

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The parental shimjeong is such that parents want their children to become better than themselves. God, the parent of mankind, wants the children He created to become better than Himself.

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Children of filial piety are those who feel a parental shimjeong. It doesn’t matter what worldly knowledge or position you have. The only thing that matters is whether you have the shimjeong of heaven.

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No weed will grow in those who live with the shimjeong of parents.

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You can obtain happiness only when you have the victorious shimjeong.

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The essence of character does not lie in truth but in the shimjeong.

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If you receive at the time when you should be giving, you will perish. Even if we do not have anything, let us live with the shimjeong of giving.

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What matters the most is not what happens to people in the future but rather what happens with your shimjeong, your internal standard, and your subjective values.

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Let us express the ideals through words, then practically show through one’s personal qualities and give love from your shimjeong.

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When you become a person who creates a shimjeong relationship with your enemies, you can restore history and be resurrected.

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Everyone seeks a person who will be responsible for his own actions, life, and shimjeong.

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There is no dream impossible to fulfill, if we share our love with a sincere shimjeong.

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It is important to connect yourself with the God who has been working the providence of restoration since the Fall, but it is even more important to connect yourself with God's shimjeong from before the Fall.

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You can feel God's shimjeong when you really feel in both your mind and body that God exists and you were created by Him, and that God and you are in the relationship of Father and son.

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Unless you develop a heartistic sense and feel it to the bone in real life, you will never be able to remove your fallen nature.

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You should not criticize those who are working centered on Heaven's shimjeong. Think highly of the life armed with shimjeong. Those who have more shimjeong than I are Abels to me.

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When teaching God's words, therefore, you should aim at conveying His shimjeong.

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In the Last Days, religion, philosophy, ideology and thought will be explained in light of shimjeong religion, shimjeong philosophy, shimjeong ideology and shimjeong thought, respectively.

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The religion that can lead us to the world of shimjeong is the religion which impressively teaches that God is the most pitiful being of all.

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Unless you become a king of shimjeong you cannot be a king of power.

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The home of eternal blessing is the place where God's shimjeong dwells abundantly. Therefore, if you possess within yourself a place where God's shimjeong can rest, His blessing works through you.

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Blessed are those who have an unchanging internal standard of shimjeong to respect Heaven, be harmonious with others, and love the earth.

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The world of shimjeong begins to prosper only with the unity of desires and the unity of circumstances. Have the resources that can become a source of shimjeong.

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You can serve God with all your sincerity, not because you have learned it from someone who guides or forces you, but because that kind of feeling automatically springs forth from your shimjeong.

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