Quotes about shimjeong

From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

From now on, try to know God's true situation, then learn from me, who cannot help bursting into tears when calling God, "Father!"

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The teacher doesn't look at you from the standpoint of success or failure of your task, but centered on your motivation of heart. It is important whether your motivation is self-centered or God-centered.

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In the Age of Words and in the Age of Practice, inheritance of mission in case of failure was possible. But in the Age of Heart, it is impossible.

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If an older member loses the standard of heart required by this age, God cannot avoid calling and using a new member who meets that standard.

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You must develop the talent and ability to perceive all aspects of a person's character.

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The only idea of possession that the Unification members should have is that of God's heart.

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Prepare your history of nostalgic heart.

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The task of a person who follows the path of the Principle is to find the way to God's shimjeong, lost between heaven and earth.

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All those who are in the Last Days are those who owe the greatest debt and are lonely and sorrowful. The only means by which to solve this is heart.

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When you shed tears they should not be those which seek something but those which give something to others.

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What is it which heaven wants to show and earth wants to be proud of? It is "I" created by the heartistic connection of heaven and earth.

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You and I want to live together, speak together, and work together. This is the historical heart of God.

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We must conquer the hearts of mankind with ideology, loyalty, and action.

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It should be a source for future generations to look back upon the memory. If there is anything to leave, it is the heavenly father's heart and love for it.

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There may be a country which is proud that it has the highest mountain, the largest river, and the greatest land mass in the world. But if it rejoices over this with Satan's heart instead of uniting with the heart of God who created it, will He rejoice?

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You cannot inherit the internal shimjeong of history unless you repent and restore all the historical failures as your own.

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The question is whether you feel busy for the sake of God's task.

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Don't resent not having received love, but resent not having been able to give love.

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Let us build the world of relationship.

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A child acts after he explores his parents' shimjeong by himself.

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When you pray, your shimjeong should be as earnest as a baby who cries for his mother's milk.

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You should not stand at the pulpit in order to see people. What matters is not the preparation of the sermon itself but that of your shimjeong.

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If you want to lead people, you should work harder than them. Be a better offering than them, and treat them with a warm and affectionate shimjeong.

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To the highest degree, love your spouse who is connected with you by shimjeong.

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