In so doing, they center on love eternally.
Quotes about the ideal of creation
From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
nature is a museum of textbooks built to educate human beings, as the object partners of God’s love, about the ideal of reciprocal relationships.
Thus, you should thoroughly understand that all existing beings have come about through God’s loving hand. So they are inevitably connected to God in heart.
Without interaction, there can be no existence. Without movement, there can be no permanence and existence.
When God saw everything He had created during the six days, He was filled with pride and He wanted to display them proudly. His joy was infinite as He looked at His creation.
With what did God create? In the beginning, there was God’s will and there was God’s thought. Together with God’s thought there was a plan.
The ideal that God wanted to see fulfilled through our first ancestors was for a man and a woman to become one and create an ideal family.
God seeks to realize His ideal of a harmonious family in the universe. That is why He seeks to bequeath His love by bringing children, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and parents into being.
When a husband and wife become one and have children, they can go on forever.
The ideal of creation is to perfect God’s invisible realm of heart in a substantial realm of heart and unite the invisible and the visible.
Adam and Eve are the base and core through which the invisible God can assume a visible form and establish a relationship with the visible world.
Out of everything in God’s creation, we human beings are the only ones that can become the complete object partners of God’s love.
The realization of God’s ideal finally emerges in the place where new love centered on God, or love according to the law of creation, is settled.
God created the world in order to realize love.
Those who want to invest more than a hundred percent are always filled by God. The principle of the universe is like this. Completely giving yourself out and forgetting what you have given is connected to eternal motion; at that level the underlying principle of eternal life emerges. Eternal life.
Where does the completion of the ideal of creation begin? It does not start with God, but with human beings.
If God’s will had been carried out on this earth, a single cultural realm would have been created with Adam at the center. Instead of countless races, each forming its own different culture and civilization, as we see today, we would have a world with a single culture, single philosophy and single civilization centered on Adam.