
Sino-Korean (한자어) refers to Korean words of Chinese origin. Sino-Korean vocabulary includes borrowed directly from Chinese, as well as new Korean words created from Chinese characters, and words borrowed from Sino-Japanese vocabulary.

природа, характер, личность - 性稟 [сонпум]
saints and wise men – 聖賢 [seonghyeon]
power, influence, authority - 勢力 [seryeok]
wish, hope, desire - 所望 [somang]
formation, revival - 蘇生 [sosaeng]
basic qualities - 素性 [soseong]
layperson, ordinary person - 俗人 [sog-in]
giving and receiving – 授受 [susu]
accomplishment; execution - 遂行 [suhaeng]