
Sino-Korean (한자어) refers to Korean words of Chinese origin. Sino-Korean vocabulary includes borrowed directly from Chinese, as well as new Korean words created from Chinese characters, and words borrowed from Sino-Japanese vocabulary.

Holy Scripture – 聖經 [seong-gyeong]
Holy Spirit – 聖靈 [seonglyeong]
establishment - 成立 [seongnip]
to be consecrated – 聖別 [seongbyeol]
God the Father, Holy Father – 聖父 [seongbu]
seongsang — 性相 [seongsang]
Holy Spirit – 聖神 [seongshin]
Completed testament – 成約 [seongyak]
saint, holy man – 聖人 [seong'in]
divine son, holy son – 聖子 [seongja]
development, growth – 成長 [seongjang]
temple, sanctuary – 聖殿 [seongjeon]