Sun Myung Moon Quotes

From the viewpoint of the purpose of existence, from the smallest existence to human beings – who are called the lords of creation and who can rule over all things – everything lies within the realm of the ideal of love where they can embrace God’s ideal for this vast universe.

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God created all things with a great purpose, based on the philosophy of the great universe. Therefore, we cannot deny that the philosophy based on God’s heart is present in all existing things, from the most insignificant creatures to the entire universe.

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The driving force in such a family is true love.

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True love is the pure and beautiful love that loves God and my partner more than my own self, with all my life.

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The most important times in a person’s life are the time of birth, the time of marriage and the time of death. Then, at the time of birth, how should one be born? One should be born healthy. Next comes the time of marriage. One gets married in order to live; that is, to establish a four-position foundation.

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One such family establishes the ethical foundation for society; it is the best model and the fundamental and primary organization for the human world.

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A man’s love, a woman’s love, a son’s love, a daughter’s love, parents’ love and God’s love are all contained in the family foundation of the original creation with God at the center.

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The place where parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters all want to join together in true love is the ideal family.

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Eventually, therefore, the positions of above and below, left and right, and front and back, together with the one central point, form the number seven. Forming the number seven means to become one with God through perfect true love and to form a family in which everything becomes a perfect sphere and achieves harmony and unification.

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The family is the origin and basic foundation that is unchanging throughout the ages. It cannot be changed by a father, by a brother or sister, or even by a nation’s institutions.

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The ideal that God wanted to see fulfilled through our first ancestors was for a man and a woman to become one and create an ideal family.

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To establish the four-position foundation, you first must go through the heart of a husband and wife; only then can you experience the heart of children and the heart of parents.

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A person should not remain alone but rather go through three stages, beginning with the individual, then the partner stage, and finally the stage with children.

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For this reason, we say that children are object partners of love who stimulate new hope.

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You have to take responsibility for the error of your nation.

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Don’t think that Heaven loved Teacher without any reason. He acted in such a way that God could not have a choice but give His love.

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God has not been able to reach the position of husband and wife or the position of parent. We must restore this. For this reason, True Parents must come.

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No longer would God have been a lonely being after He saw an original man and woman making love. He would have come to feel a reciprocal joy as He witnessed how powerful the essence of the love latent within Him is.

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God is a harmonious union of dual characteristics. At the same time, He is a masculine being.

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God seeks to realize His ideal of a harmonious family in the universe. That is why He seeks to bequeath His love by bringing children, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and parents into being.

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Your children are the way God helps you feel joy in the position of a creator, the joy God felt when He created Adam and Eve.

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The parents’ responsibilities include giving birth to and raising their children with care, continuing until the children marry.

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When a husband and wife become one and have children, they can go on forever.

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Man and woman each are born resembling one of God’s characteristics. Hence, the union of the only son and only daughter is the union of God’s positive and negative characteristics. In other words, they become a harmonious union resembling God.

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