Sun Myung Moon Quotes

The human’s original mind seeks greater sincere devotion. This is the standard of our conscience.

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When you have this loving heart and single-mindedness, you can set your sincere devotion and achieve your goals.

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Objectively observing today's world, human history can be described as a history of struggle. However, it is not a history of blind struggle but a history of struggle with consistent purpose.

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It must not end with having shown devotion and loyalty. You must continually put effort.

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For the term "sincere devotion" to be established, you must continuously strive with a heart of love and an unwavering heart.

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The conditions of sincere devotion and the very concept of sincere devotion are established not by prioritizing yourself, but by sincerely prioritizing others.

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Sincere devotion should not be offered for one's own sake but for the sake of a larger entity — whether it is the family, society, or nation. Only then can the term 'sincere devotion' be properly established.

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Sincere devotion is not something that can be lent out and then reclaimed.

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​To become a person who can leave behind a historical achievement in the world, achieve exceptional results in that era as a model for future generations, and serve as a role model for descendants, you must go through a process of sincere devotion.

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Every human being has a hope, and it is the human's original mind to want to prepare oneself in a place of sincere devotion and present oneself before others to fulfill that hope.

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The people of the satanic world have all become Satan’s sons and daughters. God cannot take them away. Hence, God has been gathering those who have lost hope in the satanic world.

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God has been moving His providence forward by bringing all humankind together throughout history to take possession of the worldwide stage of evil and bring it to God’s side.

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It is because people failed in their responsibilities that they came to receive Satan’s blood.

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The providence of salvation is like returning someone to the standard of health he enjoyed before he became sick. He must return to the state of having had no sickness.

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We should sacrifice ourselves for the sake of love. We should invest ourselves.

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You should always love nature. You should love nature and love people. You should love people of all five colors in the human race.

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You should know how to love nature and love people. You should know that those who cannot love people or love nature cannot love God.

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You should be able to sing praises for the beauty of the original world of creation, where everything devotes its entire life to establish a world where each lives for the sake of the other.

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You should be able to sing praises for the beauty of the original world of creation, where everything devotes its entire life to establish a world where each lives for the sake of the other.

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“The precious things of creation, which God made and which have forged an eternal connection with God, are not cherished as much as national treasures or valuables in some kingdoms today.

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If there is someone who holds onto all things that God has created with all his heart and feels that they are precious above all else, then he is undoubtedly a son or daughter of God.

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You should have a mind that contemplates nature that is imbued with the love of God and says, “Could anything precious owned by a king of this world or by some famous person compare with this?

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People will enjoy and take delight in anything that belongs to someone they love. Nevertheless, they do not know how to take delight in all things created by God, whom they should love the most.

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This created world exists in order to expand the fragrant atmosphere in which human beings, in the central position, having the highest love, can enjoy themselves.

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