Sun Myung Moon Quotes

If saving the child is even remotely possible, the parental heart will seek out the way, even a hundred or a thousand times.

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You should attend God in your daily life, and with your heart.

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With the blossoming harmony of God and humankind, new blood ties will expand based on the love of True Parents.

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God is not a fantasy or a conceptual God, nor is He an abstract God. With His leadership in our daily life, He is always with us as the master of our daily life.

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The ideal of loving oneness between God and humankind is their unity in a loving relationship based on the true and great love that God desired as His ideal at the time of creation.

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Since the original, great principle of heaven and earth was cut off from that point, peace cannot begin as long as that fundamental root is not rectified.

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The Bible says that those who seek to die will live, and those who seek to live will die. Why is this paradox necessary? It is because the satanic world must die.

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What do True Parents have to do? They must rectify the wrong lineage that forms the root of the satanic world, turn around the deviated life, and correct the misdirected course of love.

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Since humankind has received satanic blood, people cannot return to God on their own. So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the blood line that was defiled by Satan.

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In the Old Testament Age, the things of creation were used as an offering, and in the New Testament Age, God’s children shed their blood as they moved toward the realm of resurrection in this world.

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A tragic history unfolded because John the Baptist failed to serve Jesus and become one with him.

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Until God created Adam and Eve, the archangels were the guardians of traditional philosophy.

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Do you know that Saul was punished because, after winning the war, he went against God’s instruction to kill all the men? Why do you think He did that?

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Moses introduced the God of authority, God of ability, and God of judgment.

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Parents nurture the lives of their children. They are the source of life, love and protection. They protect life, give love, and nurture.

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The archangels were responsible to carefully supervise, guide, and educate him so that he would be untainted at the time of his marriage.

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Because the archangel’s fall led to Adam and Eve bringing the human world to such ruin, the angelic world is working on God’s behalf to fight against Satan.

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What kind of beings are angels? They are beings that should have completed the path of loyalty to God in the servant’s position, and served as a protective fence for Adam and Eve.

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The ancestors of faith are thus the ones God sent to reproduce His work on His behalf in a way appropriate for the age and to help the people forge a connection with Him.

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When Jacob was pleading with God by the Ford of Jabbok all night with an anxious heart, why did God deal with him so heartlessly by sending an angel to strike him, instead of giving him encouragement and advice?

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If Jacob had lost to the angel, the hardships of his past twentyone years would have been in vain. So, Jacob tenaciously held on to the angel.

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You could stay up all night with one beloved person.

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From the heavenly viewpoint, the Old Testament Age was the age to regain the people, and the New Testament Age was the age to regain the children.

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God want ed to take pride in His sons and daugh ters and present and dedicate them to the natural world and even to the world of angels.

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