Sun Myung Moon Quotes

People today know about Satan’s existence, they do not know what sin he committed.

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This world cannot be brought back to the heavenly side unless a person appears who can regain the original authority and stand in a position higher than Satan, the devil.

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Satan is an archangel. The archangel must go to heaven after Adam and Eve when they achieve perfection and enter heaven.

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If we commit even one sin, Satan, the devil, will immediately accuse us before God.

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The Fall meant establishing a bond of love centered on Satan in the position of a parent.

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What kind of being is God? God is like the mind of the universe.

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God does not subjugate Satan with His mysterious creative power. He makes Satan yield voluntarily.

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God can remove him if he goes against the principle and law. It is like the president exercising his authority through the constitution.

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You must protect yourselves against conditions for accusation.

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Due to the Fall, the ideal world that the all-knowing and almighty God, the Creator of the universe, intended to establish based on love was snatched away by Satan.

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What happened due to the Fall? God was shackled and restrained and so were the first ancestors of the human race.

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How miserable is God’s inner heart as He watches His children lose their original, privileged value of creation, become like fallen maggots and struggle in a life without value!

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Even though human beings sinned, God does not just say, “Hey, you! Why did you sin?” He knows the state of people who sin.

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It is the power of love that has enabled God to triumph over a path of tribulation, feeling as if a thousand years were just one day.

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As the years go by you should become well grounded in the philosophy of love, thus becoming a person of faith leading a life of discernment in all matters.

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We should not be satisfied with today if we have not completed the path which we should go. Instead, let us pioneer a new history with a greater will that can enable us to cut off any worldly attachment.

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I never yield even an inch for the Will. To accomplish the Will I do not avoid the path of sacrifice, no matter what sacrifice may have to be made.

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Man may live and die in vain, but the Will can never perish. It must reach fruition and be consummated without fail.

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If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, God should make an ideal world and revive His children.

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Human beings, who were originally to become the children of the Lord, become the children of the enemy.

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The Will is the basis of all our happiness, our pride, our authority and our knowledge.

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God's Will came before me. God is the beginning of the Will, content of the Will and purpose of the Will.

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If Adam and Eve had not fallen, God the Creator would have been the eternal Lord. But due to the Fall, Satan became the lord of the world.

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What kind of being is God? He is the original True Parent.

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