Sun Myung Moon Quotes

Nothing exists for its own sake. Religion, too, does not exist for its own sake but for the sake of love and peace. Once world peace is accomplished, there will be no further need for religion. The ultimate purpose of religion is to bring about the reality of a human community filled with love and peace.

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What is the purpose of religion? It is to bring about God’s ideal world. The reason religions evangelize is because they desire to increase the number of citizens under God’s sovereignty. If everyone were to live under God’s sovereignty, we would have a world of peace where there would be no war or division. The ultimate destination of the path followed by religions should be peace.

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Art allows people who don’t understand each other’s language to communicate. It lets people who don’t know about each other’s history understand each other’s heart. This is the power of art.

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Goodness is not realized instantly. If you want to be a good person, you have to inherit the past. This is why we need education.

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Mother and father should never quarrel, but love each other and their children, setting examples for the nation, heaven and earth, relatives, parents, brothers and sisters in loving heaven and earth, the world and the nation, and in being textbooks of the future.

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A child is the fruit, the manifestation of the parents’ love, an extension of their life, and the embodiment of the parents’ ideals. Children are born on the basis of the parents’ love, life, and ideals;.

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If you want to lead people, you should work harder than them. Be a better offering than them, and treat them with a warm and affectionate shimjeong.

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Your love for the world should be even greater than your love for the Lord.

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To the highest degree, love your spouse who is connected with you by shimjeong.

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It is the parental shimjeong, to want your children to establish families and clans that will be envied by the nation and the whole world.

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The parental shimjeong is such that parents want their children to become better than themselves. God, the parent of mankind, wants the children He created to become better than Himself.

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Children of filial piety are those who feel a parental shimjeong. It doesn’t matter what worldly knowledge or position you have. The only thing that matters is whether you have the shimjeong of heaven.

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No weed will grow in those who live with the shimjeong of parents.

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You can obtain happiness only when you have the victorious shimjeong.

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The essence of character does not lie in truth but in the shimjeong.

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If you receive at the time when you should be giving, you will perish. Even if we do not have anything, let us live with the shimjeong of giving.

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What matters the most is not what happens to people in the future but rather what happens with your shimjeong, your internal standard, and your subjective values.

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Let us express the ideals through words, then practically show through one’s personal qualities and give love from your shimjeong.

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When you become a person who creates a shimjeong relationship with your enemies, you can restore history and be resurrected.

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Everyone seeks a person who will be responsible for his own actions, life, and shimjeong.

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Family harmony brings success to everything.

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You have to prepare in yourself a personality that can harmonize with anyone, even a villain.

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Culture and art are what drive the world. Emotions, not reason, touch the deepest strings of the human soul.

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You will go to that place of the spirit world which corresponds to your own spiritual level.

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