Sun Myung Moon Quotes

As a personal God He must possess intellect, emotion, and will. Based on these attributes, all His feelings and desires, and all of the goals He sets according to His will must become concrete.

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Love is to be accompanied with conquest and sacrifice.

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Love can sense new beauty so it is not concerned about whom to love.

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The reason why God, the subject and the ultimate being of love, cannot forgive Satan is that Satan is the enemy of love.

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More precious than life is love, for there can be no life without love.

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You cannot have dominion unless you have the right of creation. But the origin of creation does not lie in power and economy but in love. Therefore, you can dominate creation through love.

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In seeking to know about God, what might we find about His nature? If we conclude, “He is someone like me,” we will be right on the mark.

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What kind of deity is God? He is a personal God, with intellect, emotion, and will. Since what this personal God wants most is love, He created human beings as His partners in love.

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Had Adam and Eve reached maturity and become a physical incarnation of love by becoming one, God would have come into them. He would then have been the loving Parent of humankind.

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Why did God create human beings? As this universe has physical form, God did so in order to manage and lead it through Adam and Eve, who would be the masters with bodily form.

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God’s purpose in creating a human being was to have dominion over the incorporeal and corporeal worlds through him.

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Love is the core of unification. Thus, unification is possible through love.

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Jesus was not able to say that he loved, but was only in the position of asking himself whether he had loved or not. He was in the position of being unable to love although he wanted to love.

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If God’s will had been carried out on this earth, a single cultural realm would have been created with Adam at the center. Instead of countless races, each forming its own different culture and civilization, as we see today, we would have a world with a single culture, single philosophy and single civilization centered on Adam.

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All enemies are not bad. If an enemy turns into a lovable being, it becomes more educational and instructive than harmful.

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It may be natural that children die without fulfilling their responsibility. But God must overcome that situation when He sees it. We have to know how miserable such a God is and console Him in His sorrow.

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You cannot feel someone's heart only by knowing him. In order to understand his shimjeong, you have to love him and live together with him.

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One Family Under God!

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Live shedding sweat for earth, tears for humanity, and blood for heaven.

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Live a life that casts no shadows, as if you were under the sun at high noon.

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A rebellious word from a child of filial piety is more painful to the parent than a thousand rebellious words from an unfilial child.

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God's motivation in the creation of man was to express His love. Love transcends knowledge.

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If we start by understanding the sorrow of Heaven, we will not remain lying down even though we may sink to the ground.

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The Bible introduces the love of God, but we cannot feel His love only by having the Bible. We have to know and embody His Heart.

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