Why did restoration through indemnity come about? For what purpose did it appear after the Fall occurred? If there were no portion of responsibility, then there would be no need for the term “restoration through indemnity.” In what position did human beings fall? Human beings fell during the course of fulfilling their portion of responsibility. At that time, human beings handed over the realm of the portion of responsibility to Satan. It was taken by Satan. Therefore, we must regain the realm of the portion of responsibility.

탕감복귀가 왜 생겼다구요? 타락 이후 무엇 때문에 생겼어요? 책임분담이 없으면 탕감복귀라는 말이 필요 없습니다. 사람이 어느 자리에서 타락했느냐? 책임분담을 해 나가는 과정에서 타락했다는 겁니다. 이때 타락인간책임분담권을 사탄에게 넘겨줬다는 겁니다. 사탄한테 빼앗겨 버렸다는 겁니다. 그러므로책임분담권을 다시 찾아와야 된다는 것입니다.

Sun Myung Moon

(143-77, 1986.3.16)

Themes: human fall, portion of responsibility