When some Christians think about God’s creation of heaven and earth, they focus on God’s omniscience and omnipotence, and thereby believe, simply, that He created by His words. The creation did not, however, come into form by some type of magic. He created His sons and daughters by investing His entire being with a sincere heart.

기성교인들은 하나님천지창조생각할 때, ‘하나님전지전능하시니 말씀으로 지었다.’고 믿고 있습니다. 그러나 요술 부리듯 그렇게 지은 것이 아닙니다. 있는 지성을 다하고 자기 일신을 전부 투입해서 아들딸을 창조했습니다.

Sun Myung Moon

(65-20, 1972.11.13)

Themes: God, universe