There is nothing God does not know. He is all-knowing and all-powerful, has full authority, and is omnipresent. But what does this have to do with us? I am asking what it has to do with us. You may say, “Oh, since He has full authority, it should be easy for Him to rule over me. Since He is omnipresent, it should be easy for Him to monitor me. Since He knows everything, He will analyze me thoroughly and leave no escape for me.” What good would come from God ruling over us through His omniscience and omnipotence?

하나님은 모르는 것이 없습니다. 전지전능하시고, 전권자이시고, 무소부재합니다. 그게 나와 무슨 관계있어요? 나와 무슨 관계가 있느냐는 것입니다. ‘아, 전권이 있으니 나를 지배하기에 좋겠구만. 무소부재하니 어디서든지 나를 감찰하기에 좋겠구만. 모르는 것이 없으니 나를 다 세밀히 분석하고 꼼짝못하게 만들겠구만.’ 하나님이 나를 전지전능으로 지배만 하신다면 좋을 거 있어요?

Sun Myung Moon

(130-209, 1984.1.22)

Themes: God