There are various questions raised against religious doctrine. They include the question “Does God really exist?” God is said to be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, possessing utmost goodness and beauty. He is said to be a being of love, the Lord of judgment, and the Father of humankind. Yet how do we know these descriptions are correct? Why did God create the universe, when He could have just remained quietly by Himself? What is the purpose for which God created the world? There must have been a certain method to the creation. What would that method have been? Why does the phenomenon of the so-called law of the jungle appear in this world created by the God of absolute goodness? It is said that the Fall has led to the world of sin, but why did human beings, created by the perfect God, fall?

종교의 가르침에 대한 반문에는 여러 가지가 있습니다.하나님이 과연 있는가?’, ‘하나님전지, 전능, 무소부재하고 지선(至善)·지미(至美)하고, 사랑이며, 심판의 주이며, 인류아버지 등으로 표현하지만 그렇다는 것을 어떻게 알 수 있는가?’, ‘가만 있어도 좋을 하나님이 왜 우주창조하였는가?’, ‘하나님창조목적무엇일까?’, ‘창조에는 방법이 있었을 것인데 그 방법은 무엇일까?’, ‘절대선(絶對善)인 하나님창조세계에 왜 약육강식하는 현상이 벌어지고 있는가?’, ‘인간타락해서 죄의 세계이루어졌다고 하는데 완전하나님창조인간이 왜 타락하게 되었는가?’ 등이 그것입니다.

Sun Myung Moon

(122-302, 1982.11.25)