The way you have to go is difficult, but you must think about God, who is walking this path before you, and your friends and brothers and sisters, who are walking by your side. You also must keep in mind that the path to the destiny that humankind must head for still lies in front of us.

You must make up your mind to go this way until the end of your life. With such thinking, you can transcend the point of Satan’s Fall that he perpetrated through his self-centeredness. You can go over the realm of the Fall when your thinking is centered on God, rather than on yourselves. Therefore, the most difficult time for the Unification Church signifies that the day is drawing near when we kick away the most difficult realm of Satan’s Fall and are liberated.

Sun Myung Moon

(God’s Will 437) (92-256, 1977.4.18)

Themes: indemnity, providence of restoration