“The precious things of creation, which God made and which have forged an eternal connection with God, are not cherished as much as national treasures or valuables in some kingdoms today.
Quotes about nature
From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
If there is someone who holds onto all things that God has created with all his heart and feels that they are precious above all else, then he is undoubtedly a son or daughter of God.
You should have a mind that contemplates nature that is imbued with the love of God and says, “Could anything precious owned by a king of this world or by some famous person compare with this?
People will enjoy and take delight in anything that belongs to someone they love. Nevertheless, they do not know how to take delight in all things created by God, whom they should love the most.
This created world exists in order to expand the fragrant atmosphere in which human beings, in the central position, having the highest love, can enjoy themselves.
In so doing, they center on love eternally.
nature is a museum of textbooks built to educate human beings, as the object partners of God’s love, about the ideal of reciprocal relationships.
The one who has the heart to exclaim, “God!” while holding just one blade of grass, and who can recognize its value as being equal to his own. That person is the greatest spiritual master.
Thus, you should thoroughly understand that all existing beings have come about through God’s loving hand. So they are inevitably connected to God in heart.
Without interaction, there can be no existence. Without movement, there can be no permanence and existence.
God has provided nature as a textbook to help His beloved sons and daughters experience God’s heart and to bring them joy.
Art is learned from nature, and there is nothing that cannot be found in nature.