Quotes about family

From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

The driving force in such a family is true love.

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True love is the pure and beautiful love that loves God and my partner more than my own self, with all my life.

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One such family establishes the ethical foundation for society; it is the best model and the fundamental and primary organization for the human world.

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A man’s love, a woman’s love, a son’s love, a daughter’s love, parents’ love and God’s love are all contained in the family foundation of the original creation with God at the center.

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The place where parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters all want to join together in true love is the ideal family.

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The family is the origin and basic foundation that is unchanging throughout the ages. It cannot be changed by a father, by a brother or sister, or even by a nation’s institutions.

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A person should not remain alone but rather go through three stages, beginning with the individual, then the partner stage, and finally the stage with children.

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For this reason, we say that children are object partners of love who stimulate new hope.

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God seeks to realize His ideal of a harmonious family in the universe. That is why He seeks to bequeath His love by bringing children, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and parents into being.

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The parents’ responsibilities include giving birth to and raising their children with care, continuing until the children marry.

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When a husband and wife become one and have children, they can go on forever.

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The most miserable person in this world is not he who has no property, but he who has no wife and child.

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One Family Under God!

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The family is the cradle of true love, true life, and true lineage, and the foundation for realizing God's purpose of creation.

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The family is the school of love. The family sets the pattern for living together in harmony. It is the model for living together as one. There we have love and respect between parents and children, mutual fidelity and love between husband and wife, and trust and mutual reliance among siblings.

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Mother and father should never quarrel, but love each other and their children, setting examples for the nation, heaven and earth, relatives, parents, brothers and sisters in loving heaven and earth, the world and the nation, and in being textbooks of the future.

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A child is the fruit, the manifestation of the parents’ love, an extension of their life, and the embodiment of the parents’ ideals. Children are born on the basis of the parents’ love, life, and ideals;

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Family harmony brings success to everything.

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“Harmony in the family” means that four generations revolving around the grandparents unite.

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For grandfathers and grandmothers, there is no greater happiness than holding their grandchildren.

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What is the highest embodiment of all truths? Parents, husband and wife, and children are. There is nothing higher. Then, what is the center of truth? It is love.

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The greatest purpose of religion is to build true families.

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A person who loves his or her family is called a filial son.

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God is the root of love. He is present in the place where parental love, conjugal love and children's love become completely one with one another.

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