What kind of beings are angels? They are beings that should have completed the path of loyalty to God in the servant’s position, and served as a protective fence for Adam and Eve. They should have created an atmosphere of glory that would have lasted forever in the heavenly world and lived happily with Adam and Eve in God’s love. In other words, the archangels were created for Adam and Eve. God, the Father of Adam and Eve, created the angels for their sake.

천사는 어떤 존재인가? 종의 입장에서 하나님 앞에 충성도리를 다하고 아담해와의 울타리가 되어 주어야 하는 존재입니다. 만세토록 하늘세계에 영광된 분위기를 만들어 하나님사랑중심삼고 아담해와함께 행복하게 살아야 했습니다. 다시 말해서 천사장아담해와를 위해 창조된 것입니다. 아담해와아버지이신 하나님께서 천사창조목적아담해와를 위해서였다는 것입니다.

Sun Myung Moon

Themes: ideal of creation