When God saw everything He had created during the six days, He was filled with pride and He wanted to display them proudly. His joy was infinite as He looked at His creation. When God said, “It is good, it is good,” over and over again with such a joyful heart, to whom was He speaking? He was speaking to all the things of creation. We have to understand that He was talking to all things with such an eager heart.

하나님께서 엿새 동안 지은 만물을 바라보시고 자랑하고 싶으셨습니다. 모든 피조물을 바라보게 될 때에 무한히 기쁘셨던 것입니다. 그 기쁜 마음가지고 ‘선한지라 선한지라.’ 하고 거듭거듭 하신 이 말씀누구에게 하신 말씀이었느냐? 만물에게 하신 말씀이었다는 것입니다. 만물을 대해 그렇듯 간절한 마음을 품고 말씀하셨다는 것을 우리는 알아야 되겠습니다.

Sun Myung Moon

(5-238, 1959.2.8)

Themes: ideal of creation