Phrase (구절)

absolute monarchy (monarchical system) - 專制君主政體 [jeonjegunju-jeongche]
under the rule of a dictatorial system - 專制政體下 [jeonje-jeongcheha]
Object for the condition - 條件物 [jogeonmul]
foundation for the existence – 存在基臺 [jonjaekidae]
right and left – 左右 [jwau]
harmony and unity - 中和 [chunghwa]
intellect · emotion · will – 知·情·意 [ji·jeong·ui]
the earth's crust - 地殼 [jigag]
on the earth – 地上 [jisang];
stratum; layer - 地層 [jicheung]
the Realm of Direct Dominion - 直接主管圈 [jikjeop jugwan gwon]
truth · beauty · goodness – 知·情·意 [jin·mi·seon]
miserable condition – 慘境 [chamgyeong]