Phrase (구절)

come into existence – 生成 [saengseong]
daily living, lifestyle, way of life – 生活 [saenghwal]
a question that needs to be answered first – 先決問題 [seongyeolmunje]
fruit of goodness - 善果 [seongwa]
chosen people – 選民 [seonmin]
good and evil – 善惡 [sonak]
the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - 善惡果 [sonak-gwa]
a martyr who died fighting for his country - 先烈 [seonyeol]
Holy Scripture – 聖經 [seong-gyeong]
Holy Spirit – 聖靈 [seonglyeong]
to be consecrated – 聖別 [seongbyeol]
God the Father, Holy Father – 聖父 [seongbu]
Holy Spirit – 聖神 [seongshin]
Completed testament – 成約 [seongyak]
divine son, holy son – 聖子 [seongja]
saints and wise men – 聖賢 [seonghyeon]
basic qualities - 素性 [soseong]
giving and receiving – 授受 [susu]