Phrase (구절)

the three great blessings - 三大祝福 [samdae chukbok]
the realm of indirect dominion - 間接主觀圈 [ganjeob jugwan gwon]
descent of a god from heaven to earth - 降臨 [gangnim]
strong and weak – 强弱 [gang-yag]
drudgery; hard labor - 苦役 [goyeok]
interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values – 共生共榮共義主義 [kongsaeng kongyeong kongi-jui]
regional church leader - 敎區長 [gyogujang]
spherical shape - 球形 [guhyeong]
state religion - 國敎 [guggyo]
immediate cause - 近因 [geunin]
north and south - 南北 [nambuk]
dictatorial system of government - 獨裁政體 [dokjjae-jeongche]