True Ownership

Sun Myung Moon, February 12, 1967, Korea, church headquarters
quotes from the speech

Everyone cherishes what is theirs. But is there anything that can truly be guaranteed as one’s own? Is there anything that is genuinely ours? Even our bodies were given by our parents. If nature claimed what belongs to it, our physical bodies would disappear. Even our learning and knowledge are merely historical relics. To be acknowledged, we must stand in a position that recognizes relative and environmental factors.

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People think, 'I should not be unhappy.' However, you cannot be in a position where you are the only one who is happy. Therefore, in order to stand in a position to assert yourself, you must deny yourself. Thus, you are acknowledged within the scope allowed by relative and environmental positions.

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Prayer is about denying oneself to establish an indirect subject. Therefore, setting an absolute standard and aligning with it is the path of morality.

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On earth, an absolute standard of morality has not been yet established. Even Jesus could not establish this standard.

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Without setting a standard for external values, even God cannot establish an absolute standard of morality. To establish this standard, He appointed prophets and martyrs.

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Goodness is never defeated by being hit. Therefore, those who tried to kill me all perished. Evil cannot dominate goodness. Goodness cannot be achieved without experiencing the bitterness of defeat. Therefore, you should not be discouraged in doing good.

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To become an owner, you must offer utmost devotion with the highest standards.

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You must become a person who serves God rather than a person who serves your country or the world. If you love God, even if the universe disappears, you will remain.

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