The Old Testament Age was an age when sacrificial offerings were made; thus, God could find people whom He could use as His servants. This is Old Testament history. Because human beings were lost, things were turned upside down and people became lower than all things of creation.

Human beings came to be in a worse situation than all things of creation. For this reason, they had to divide all things, which were closer to God, into two and divide what belongs to God from what belongs to Satan. Such divided sacrificial offerings were not made because of God or Satan but because people failed to fulfill their responsibilities. You should know this. It is because people failed in their responsibilities that they came to receive Satan’s blood.

구약시대는 제물을 희생시켜 하나님이 종으로 쓸 수 있는 사람을 찾는 시대입니다. 이것이 구약역사입니다. 사람을 잃어버렸기 때문에 꺼꿀잡이가 됐다는 것입니다.

사람만물보다 더 낮아졌습니다. 사람만물보다 더 악하게 됐으니 하나님 앞에 더 가까운 만물을 둘로 갈라 가지고소유물, 내 소유물로 가려 이런 것을 중심삼고 분별적인 제물을 내세워야 했던 것은 누구 때문이냐 하면 하나님문도 아니요, 사탄문도 아닙니다. 인간책임분담(責任分擔)을 못 했기 때문입니다. 그걸 알아야 됩니다. 사탄의 핏줄을 이어받은 것은 인간책임분담을 못 했기 때문이라는 겁니다.

Sun Myung Moon

(136-228, 1985.12.29)

Themes: portion of responsibility, providence of restoration