God commanded Adam and Eve that they should not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and of the tree of life which were located in the center of the Garden, even though people could eat of the fruit of any other tree; but what does that mean? Dr. Yoon! What kind of trees are the other trees, and what kind of trees are the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? They are all trees, but what kind of trees are the other trees? I am asking you. When an elder brother and a younger sister live together, they can touch each other’s hands, stroke each other, or express their affection to each other in any way, but they must neither look at the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, nor touch it. Do you understand what that means? They can touch all other places, but not this place. That is how we should interpret it. If you just say that the tree of life that grew in the middle of the Garden of Eden was one kind of a tree and other trees are simply different kinds of trees, it is going to be a big problem. Do you understand what I am talking about?

A brother and a sister can touch each other’s hands; it is okay if they do so. There are only two of them, a brother and a sister, right? They can even hug each other, that is okay too. Children do touch each other, don’t they? As they grow up at home, they do so, don’t they? For example, does a brother realize that he is dealing with the opposite sex, when he relates to his sister? They can touch each other all right, but there is one thing they should not do. The fruit of the tree of life is the male sexual organ, and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the female sexual organ. They must not even be touched. And if one eats of these fruits, it will be a disaster. In the Bible, it is written in a metaphorical fashion. God is so good at making hints!

에덴동산에 있는 모든 나무열매는 따먹더라도 동산 가운데에 있는 선악나무생명나무 열매는 따먹지 말라고 했는데 그게 무슨 뜻이에요? 윤 박사! 다른 나무들은 무슨 나무고, 생명나무선악나무는 무슨 나무야? 같은 나무인데, 다른 나무는 무슨 나무야? 아, 물어 보잖아? 그게 뭐냐 하면 오빠 동생끼리 살면서 손을 만져도 좋고, 비벼대도 좋고, 예쁘다고 무슨 짓을 다 해도 괜찮지만, 선악과는 보지도 말고 만지지도 말라는 것입니다. 그게 무엇인 줄 알아요? 딴 데는 다 건드려도 거기는 건드리지 말라는 말입니다. 그렇게 해석해야지, 에덴동산 복판에 있는 생명나무는 그것이고 다른 나무다른 나무라고 하면 큰일난다는 겁니다. 무슨 말인지 알겠어요?

오빠와 동생끼리 손을 만져도 좋고, 다 좋다는 겁니다. 오빠와 동생 둘밖에 없잖아요? 껴안고, 다 그래도 좋다 이겁니다. 아이들끼리는 몸뚱이도 만지고 다 하지요? 자라면서 집에서 다 그러잖아요? 오빠면 오빠가 그것을 아나, 뭐 하나? 그렇게 다 만지고 그래도 괜찮지만, 그것은 안 된다는 겁니다. 생명나무 열매남자의 막대기는 볼록이고, 선악알게 하는 나무 열매는 오목입니다. 그건 만지지도 말라는 겁니다. 따먹으면 큰일난다는 겁니다. 성경은 그렇게 비사로써 써 놓은 것입니다. 하나님얼마나 풍자적인지 모릅니다.

Sun Myung Moon

(199-93, 1990.2.15)

Themes: human fall