Quotes about patriotism

From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

If parents educate their children with a patriotic heart that says, "I am loving, toiling and shedding sweat for you because I want you to love this country rather than to think about me," their children will strive to become the patriots of their parents' desire.

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Goodness is not realized instantly. If you want to be a good person, you have to inherit the past. This is why we need education.

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Mother and father should never quarrel, but love each other and their children, setting examples for the nation, heaven and earth, relatives, parents, brothers and sisters in loving heaven and earth, the world and the nation, and in being textbooks of the future.

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Homeland is a place with which a person is strongly connected by voluminous bonds of love.

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Don’t leave money, knowledge or power. Leave patriotic achievements.

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