The only way to bring about success through absolute obedience is the way of true love.
Quotes about obedience
From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
When wild geese fly across the ocean, they absolutely follow their leader. There are no objections. When he says, “Fly!” all the geese fly. They must follow the leader, no matter how difficult it is, even to the point of death.
They know that if they do not become one with their parents, they will go to ruin. You will go to ruin if you do not become one with God.
Be absolutely obedient! Absolute obedience does not lead you to death. What happens when you obey? You become one with the person you obey. What happens, once you become one? You repel evil.
Night and day, Jesus only served God’s will and had no will of his own. He absolutely obeyed God’s will.