Night and day, Jesus only served God’s will and had no will of his own. He absolutely obeyed God’s will.
Quotes about Jesus
From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
Jesus has continued to engage himself in the fight, even after going to the spirit world. He is fighting against Satan on behalf of the countless good believers.
After his death on the cross, Jesus received the grace of resurrection, but this did not take place in the simple and easy manner you might envision.
Because Jesus was an impeccable member of the elite corps of Heaven, Heaven could resurrect him after he passed away on the cross.
What is the course that Jesus walked after coming to the earth? He demonstrated the condition and course of tribulations that one must walk to win victory over Satan as the elite soldier of Heaven.
Even though Jesus was born as the original son of God, he still needed to go the way of indemnity in order to save this world.
Jesus declared to all the people, “Love me more than anyone else!” “Anyone else” refers to love in the fallen world.
How does Jesus differ from people like Sakhya Muni of Buddhism, Confucius of Confucianism or Mohammed of Islam? Throughout history, Jesus is the only person who was born on the foundation of a purified lineage. That is the difference.
Jesus was able to go over the peak of the cross because even in the midst of misery he had overflowing hope, which would expand to the future.
God wants to love all mankind to such a degree that He becomes crazy. A son of God loves all mankind as if he were crazy.
Jesus was not able to say that he loved, but was only in the position of asking himself whether he had loved or not. He was in the position of being unable to love although he wanted to love.
Jesus was sorrowful representing God's painful shimjeong. Your sorrow should be more than three times as painful as Jesus'.
Jesus, the son of God, also fought and died on this earth by sacrificing his life on behalf of God's shimjeong, so we should also be the ones who testify and fight and die on behalf of Jesus' heart.