Quotes about indemnity

From the speeches of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han

Since the principle of the human portion of responsibility exists, if you receive help, then according to that principle, indemnification would not occur.

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After passing through the bottom of hell, we will reach the Kingdom of Heaven. The shortest path is to plunge through the bottom of hell.

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God has endured greater hardships than this, so how could I not endure this much?

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A single day of sincere devotion offered in the midst of adversity, where tears flow, the scent of blood lingers, and your body is worn out, can compensate for ten or even a hundred years of devotion offered in comfort.

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You have to take responsibility for the error of your nation.

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We should be in the position of the older son and stop mankind from being whipped.

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Since it is they who committed sin, it is they who must liquidate it.

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When you have no condition of accusation from Satan, God can regard you as His son and command you.

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Women can console God because their sensitivity is rich. The Fall began with a woman, thus causing God resentment. Therefore, women should liquidate this resentment of God.

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If we do not pay indemnity step by step, we cannot make progress.

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The principle of restoration through indemnity is the iron rule. However, no one wants to welcome it.

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