Here we present you a resource for studying and practicing the “Exposition of the Principle”, which is a teaching that entered our world through the famous Korean spiritual teacher Sun Myung Moon.
According to modern scientists, the message of “Exposition of the Divine Principle” is still quite young and there is still no single opinion on the classification of this teaching in the scientific world. Religious leaders cannot agree on whether it is a religion or not. All this controversy is understandable, since the “Exposition of the Divine Principle” as teaching is scientific, but it is deeply spiritual at the same time.
This resource was created for all those who researching and practicing the Wordї, and who want to change their concepts and thinking centered on the Word.
The project is aiming to collectively get involved in the studying, researching, and practicing of the “Principle”, and rise to a new level of thinking and consciousness.
But this will not happen by itself; efforts are needed. Understanding is the beginning of the process of cognition; without the knowledge and emotions, the will to act does not appear. Let’s start by reading. After all, reading is the process of working with a text to extract information from it. And for a better and multifaceted assimilation of information, the text of the “Principle” is presented in a convenient form.
Along with the English text of the book, the original Korean text is placed, in which the fundamental concepts of the “Principle” can be explored in detail. There are also quotes from the famous speeches of the Teacher. You can not only read but also discover the deep meaning of these words in the meditation.
What is the Principle?
When we talk about the “Principle” we mean the fundamental law in the Universe, the reality from which everything originates.
The Principle can be found in all areas of science and human life.
For example, the principle of growth, which is mentioned in the “Exposition of the Principle”, we find in biology (if someone planted a seed, it is impossible that in the morning there will be a big tree with ripe apples). Everything needs a period of time to grow and develop. That is why the communist theory of permanent revolutions and instantaneous changes, violating this statement of the Principle, has shown its inconsistency. And for sure, any critically thinking person, understanding the principle of growth, will be able to adequately estimate the phrase “Today you appoint me to this position, and tomorrow you will see how everything has changed and working well.”
The principle of relationships. Its action can be seen in sociology, psychology (as a subject-object relationship, or the relationship of giving and taking), physics (3rd Newton’s Law).
Do we need any religious beliefs to believe in our parents as our parents? No. The Principle will help to restore our lost relationship with our Heavenly Parent.
“Exposition of the Principle”
Corresponds to the logic
It corresponds to the rational logic and the logic of relations. Rational logic is more developed in the West. It means that I make those actions which is logical and understandable for me. In the East, however, a special place is occupied by relationships and hierarchy. For example, if I do not fully understand the meaning of what my parents ask me to do, I can still accept it, because I respect and trust my parents.
Corresponds to experience
Usually people tend to think like this: “I have not seen this in my life, so it is not true.”
Scientifically reliable
What science says must be confirmed by religious doctrines and vice versa. God is a God of law and order. He cannot violate the laws created by Him.
Corresponds to the main scriptures of the world’s spiritual teachings
Comparison of the sacred texts of the world’s leading teachings leads to the fact that 80% of the teachings are identical in their ideas and values (the existence of the root cause, the fall of man, the principles of morality, etc.). The main reason for this is that the teachings appeared at the will of the Creator, Who put the same ideas into them.
Corresponds to intuition
Our intuition and feelings can tell us what the truth is.
Possesses the internal consistency
The Teaching “Exposition of the Principle” is holistic and consistent in its explanation. One statement follows from another.