Before seeking to dominate the universe, first perfect your ability to dominate yourself.

우주주관 바라기 전에 자아주관하라.

Sun Myung Moon, (mottoes)

"During my time in Heuksok Dong, I adopted for myself the motto, “Before seeking to dominate the universe, first perfect your ability to dominate yourself.” This means that to have the strength to save the nation and save the world, I first had to train my own body. I trained myself through prayer and meditation and through sports and exercise programs. As a result, I would not be swayed by hunger or any other emotion or desire of the physical body.

Even when I ate a meal, I would say, “Rice, I want you to become the fertilizer for the work that I am preparing myself to do.” I learned boxing, soccer, and self-defense techniques. Because of this, although I have gained some weight since I was young, I still have the flexibility of a young person."

From the book "As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen"

Speech: Mottoes of True Parents

Themes: leadership, personality