1.1 The Completion of God’s Purpose of Creation
1.2 Consequences of the Human Fall
Section 2. God’s Work of Salvation
2.1 God’s Work of Salvation is the Providence of Restoration
2.2 The Goal of the Providence of Restoration
2.3 Human History Is the History of the Providence of Restoration
Section 3. The Last Days
3.1 The Meaning of the Last Days
3.1.1 Noah’s Day Was the Last Days
3.1.2 Jesus’ Day Was the Last Days
3.1.3 The Day of Christ’s Second Advent Is the Last Days
3.2 Bible Verses Concerning the Signs of the Last Days
3.2.1 Heaven and Earth Destroyed, and a New Heaven and New Earth Created
3.2.2 Heaven and Earth Judged by Fire
3.2.3 The Dead Rising from Their Tombs
3.2.4 People on Earth Caught Up to Meet the Lord in the Air
3.2.5 The Sun Darkened, the Moon Not Giving Light and the Stars Falling from Heaven
Section 4. The Last Days and the Present Days
4.1 Signs of the Restoration of the First Blessing
4.2 Signs of the Restoration of the Second Blessing
4.3 Signs of the Restoration of the Third Blessing
Section 5. The Last Days, the New Truth and Our Attitude
5.1 The Last Days and the New Truth
5.2 Our Attitude in the Last Days
Chart 1: The Unfolding Manifestation of God’s Word in the Creation of the Universe and the Providence of Restoration
우리는 지금까지 인류역사(人類歷史)가 어떻게 시작되었으며, 또 이것이 어디를 향하여 흘러가고 있는 것인지를 모르고 살아왔다. 따라서 인류역사의 종말(終末)에 관한 문제를 알지 못하고 있는 것이다.많은 기독교(基督敎) 신도들은 다만 성서(聖書)에 기록되어 있는 문자 그대로, 말세(末世)에는 하늘과 땅이 모두 불에 타서 소멸(消滅)되고(벧후 3 : 12), 해와 달이 빛을 잃고 별들이 하늘에서 떨어지며(마 24 : 29), 천사장(天使長)의 나팔소리와 함께 죽은 자들이 무덤에서 일어나고, 살아 있는 사람들은 모두 구름 속으로 끌어올리워 공중(空中)에서 예수님을 상봉(相逢)하리라고(살전 4 : 16∼17) 믿고 있다.
We dwell in ignorance of history, uncertain about its origin, the direction in which it is heading, and its final destination. Concerning eschatology, or the doctrine of the Last Days, many Christians believe literally what is written in the Bible: “the heavens will be kindled and dissolved, and the elements will melt with fire” (II Pet. 3:12); “the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will fall from heaven” (Matt. 24:29); and “with the archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet . . . the dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (I Thess. 4:16-17).
그러나 사실 성서의 문자 그대로 될 것인지, 그렇지 않으면 성서의 중요한 많은 부분이 그러하듯이 이 말씀도 무엇을 비유(比喩)하여 말씀하신 것인지, 이 문제를 해명하는 것은 기독교 신도들에 있어서 가장 중요한 문제 중의 하나가 아닐 수 없는 것이다. 그런데 이 문제를 해명하기 위하여는 먼저 하나님이 피조세계(被造世界)를 창조(創造)하신 목적과 타락(墮落)의 의의, 그리고 구원섭리(救援攝理)의 목적 등 근본문제(根本問題)를 풀지 않으면 아니 되는 것이다.
One pertinent question for Christians is whether these events will take place literally or whether the verses are symbolic, as are many parts of the Bible. To address this issue, we should first understand such fundamental matters as the purpose of God’s creation, the meaning of the human Fall, and the goal of the providence of restoration.