(생) [saeng] – to live, to subsist, to exist;

Strokes: 5
- bud;
- ground;
A bud sprouting from the ground.
Stroke order
生 order

Words with Hanja character 生

interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values – 共生共榮共義主義 [kongsaeng kongyeong kongi-jui]
divine-spirit - 生靈 [saenglyeong]
living spirit element – 生靈要素 [saenglyeong yoso];
come into existence – 生成 [saengseong]
life element – 生素 [saengso]
spirit mind – 生心 [saengshim]
during one's lifetime - 生前 [saengjeon]
living, existence, survival - 生存 [saengjon]
daily living, lifestyle, way of life – 生活 [saenghwal]
formation, revival - 蘇生 [sosaeng]