Words starting with the letter ㄷ

to draw near, to approach, befall – [dagchil]
stage, level – 段階 [dangye]
big, great, large – 大 [dae]
representative – 代表 [daepyo]
grope (around/ along), fumble (around) [teodˈeum]
duty, way, method – 道理 [dori]
religious person – 道人 [doin]
independence – 獨立 [tоnnip]
dictatorship, tyranny - 獨裁 [dokjae]
dictatorial system of government - 獨裁政體 [dokjjae-jeongche]
solitude; a solitary life - 獨處 [dokcheo]
spin; rotate; become; return; be delivered - [doraga]
simultaneity, concurrence - 同時 [dongshi]