Section 4. The Period of the Divided Kingdoms of North and South and the Period of the Divided Kingdoms of East and West



사울왕에 의하여 시작되었던 통일왕국시대(統一王國時代)는 다윗왕을 거쳐 솔로몬왕에 이르러 그가 왕비들이 섬기는 이방인(異邦人)의 신을 섬겼으므로 (왕상 11 : 5∼9), 3대 만에 가인입장인 10지파중심한 북조(北朝) 이스라엘아벨입장인 2지파중심한 남조(南朝) 유대분립되었었다. 그리하여 남북왕조분립시대(南北王朝分立時代)는 오게 되었던 것이다. 이와 같이 카알대제에 의하여 시작되었던 기독왕국(基督王國)도 그 3대에 이르러 손자들 3인 사이에 분쟁이 일어났기 때문에, 이 왕국은 동·서프랑크와 이태리로 3분되었던 것이다. 그러나 이태리는 동프랑크의 지배를 받았기 때문에 실제에 있어서는 동·서프랑크왕국으로 양분된 셈이었다. 한편 동프랑크는 오토 1세로 말미암아 크게 융흥(隆興)되어 신성로마제국이라 부르게 되었고, 로마황제의 이름으로 서구(西歐)를 통치하여 정교(政敎) 2권을 확보하려 하였었다. 이렇게 하여 동프랑크는 서프랑크에 대하여 아벨입장서게 되었던 것이다.

Because King Solomon was led by his wives and concubines to worship idols, the united kingdom of Israel was divided upon his death, having lasted only three generations (I Kings 11:5-13). The kingdom of Israel in the north, which was founded by ten of the twelve tribes, was in the position of Cain, while the kingdom of Judah in the south, which was founded by the two remaining tribes, was in the position of Abel. This was how the period of the divided kingdoms of north and south began. The Christian empire also began to divide in the third generation. Charlemagne’s grandsons partitioned it into three kingdoms: the East Franks, the West Franks and Italy. The descendants of Charlemagne were in bitter and constant conflict with each other. The remnants of the Christian empire soon coalesced into two kingdoms, with Italy reverting to the rule of the East Franks. The kingdom of the East Franks flourished greatly under Otto I and came to be called the Holy Roman Empire. Claiming to be the heir of the Roman Empire, it ruled parts of Western Europe and sought to secure dominion over both politics and religion. The Holy Roman Empire stood in the position of Abel in relation to France, as the kingdom of the West Franks came to be called.

The Period of the Divided Kingdoms of North and South and the Period of the Divided Kingdoms of East and West

솔로몬조(朝)의 망명객이었던 여로보암을 중심한 북조 이스라엘은 260년 간에 19왕이 경질되었고, 그들은 서로 살육하여 왕실(王室)이 9차나 변혁되었으며, 열왕(列王) 중에 선한 왕이 하나도 없었다. 따라서 남조 유대로부터 보내온 선지자(先知者) 엘리야를 통하여 갈멜산의 제단(祭壇)에 불을 내리심으로써 바알과 아세라의 선지자 850명을 멸하셨으며(왕상 18 : 19∼40), 그 외에도 엘리사, 요나, 호세아, 아모스 같은 선지자들을 보내시어 목숨을 걸고 전도(傳道)하게 하셨다. 그러나 북조 이스라엘왕국은 여전히 사신(邪神)을 숭배하며 회개하지 않았으므로, 하나님께서는 그들을 앗수르에 부쳐 멸망케 하심으로써 영원선민(選民)의 자격을 잃게 하셨던 것이다(왕하 17 : 17∼23).

The northern kingdom of Israel was founded by Jeroboam, who had lived in exile in the days of King Solomon. It was ruled by nineteen kings over some 210 years. Through repeated assassinations, its short-lived royal families changed nine times; not one king was righteous in the sight of God. Nevertheless, God sent the prophet Elijah, who prevailed in the contest with 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah on Mt. Carmel when God sent down fire upon the altar (I Kings 18:19-40). Other prophets, including Elisha, Jonah, Hosea and Amos, spread the Word of God at the risk of their lives. Yet since the northern kingdom continued to worship foreign gods and did not repent, God had the Assyrians destroy them and took away their qualification as the chosen people forever (II Kings 17:7-23).

한편 솔로몬의 아들인 르호보암을 중심한 남조 유대는 다윗으로부터 시드기야에 이르기까지 정통일계(正統一系)였으며, 394년 간에 걸친 20인의 왕 중에 선군(善君)이 많이 있었으나, 요시야왕 이후에는 악한 왕들이 속출하여 북조의 영향을 받음으로써 우상숭배(偶像崇拜)에 빠지게 되어 이들도 역시 바빌로니아에게 포로(捕虜)가 되고 말았었다.

The southern kingdom of Judah was established by Solomon’s son, Rehoboam. Its royal house continued in one dynastic line from David to Zedekiah, producing many righteous kings out of the twenty who ruled the kingdom for its nearly four hundred years of existence. Nevertheless, a succession of evil kings, combined with influence from the northern kingdom, led to much idolatry and corruption. Consequently, the people of the southern kingdom were taken into exile in Babylon.

이와 같이 남북왕조분립시대(南北王朝分立時代)에 있어이스라엘 민족성전이상(聖殿理想)에 배치(背馳)되는 입장서게 될 때마다 하나님은 계속 4대선지(四大先知)와 12소선지(十二小先知)를 보내시어 그들을 권고하여 내적 쇄신운동(刷新運動)을 일으키셨다. 그러나 그들은 선지자들의 권고에도 회개하지 아니하였으므로 하나님은 그들을 애급, 갈대아, 시리아, 앗시리아, 바빌로니아 등 이방인들에게 부쳐 외적 확청(廓淸)의 섭리를 하셨던 것이다.

In the period of the divided kingdoms of north and south, whenever the Israelites violated their covenant with God, straying from the ideal of the Temple, God sent many prophets – such as Elijah, Isaiah and Jeremiah – to admonish them and move them to repentance and internal reform. However, because the kings and the people did not heed the warnings of the prophets and did not repent, God chastised them externally by sending gentile nations such as Syria, Assyria and Babylon to attack them.

시대실체적동시성으로 탕감복귀하는 동서왕조분립시대(東西王朝分立時代)에 있어서도, 마찬가지로 교황청(敎皇廳)이 부패하매 토마스 아퀴나스, 성프란체스코 등 수도원(修道院)의 인물들이 그들을 권고하여 내적인 쇄신운동을 일으켰었다. 그러나 그들도 회개하지 않고 더욱 타락과 부패에 흘렀으므로, 하나님은 그들을 이방인들에게 부쳐 외적인 확청섭리를 하셨던 것이니 이것이 곧 십자군전쟁(十字軍戰爭)이었다.

During the parallel period of the divided kingdoms of east and west, the papacy was corrupt. God sent prominent monks such as St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis of Assisi to admonish the papacy and promote internal reform in the Church. Since the papacy and the Church did not repent, but sank further into corruption and immorality, God chastised them externally by letting their people fight the Muslims. This was the providential reason behind the Crusades.

The Period of the Divided Kingdoms of North and South and the Period of the Divided Kingdoms of East and West

예루살렘의 성지(聖地)가 칼리프제국에 속해 있었을 때에는 기독교순례자(巡禮者)들이 후대(厚待)를 받았었으나, 칼리프제국이 망하고 셀주크 터어키가 예루살렘을 점령한 후, 그들은 순례자들을 학대하였으므로, 이에 분개한 역대 교황(敎皇)들은 이 성지를 회복하려고 십자군전쟁을 일으켰던 것이다. 1096년에 일어난 십자군(十字軍)은 그 후 약 200년 간에 걸쳐 7회의 원정(遠征)을 하였으나 그들은 끝내 패전을 거듭하였다.

While Jerusalem and the Holy Land were under the protection of the Abbasid Caliphate, Christian pilgrims were received with hospitality. After the Caliphate collapsed and the Holy Land was conquered by the Seljuk Turks, cries of alarm went out that Christian pilgrims were being harassed. Outraged, the popes raised the Crusades to recover the Holy Land. There were eight Crusades, beginning in 1095 and continuing sporadically for about two hundred years. Despite some initial success, the Crusaders were defeated again and again.

남북왕조분립시대있어서 북조 이스라엘왕국과 남조 유대왕국의 백성들이 모두 이방인(異邦人)에게 포로가 되어 감으로써, 이스라엘군주사회는 붕괴되고 말았던 것이다. 이와 마찬가지로 동서왕조분립시대(東西王朝分立時代)에 있어서도, 십자군이 이교도(異敎徒)에게 패하여 교황권이 그 권위와 신망(信望)을 완전히 잃게 되자 국민정신은 그 중심을 잃게 되었다. 그뿐 아니라 봉건사회(封建社會)를 유지하던 영주(領主)들과 기사(騎士)들이 많이 전사하였기 때문에 그들은 정치적인 기반을 잃고 말았으며, 또 거듭되는 패전으로 인하여 막대한 전비(戰費)를 소모하게 되어 그들은 여지없이 경제적인 곤궁에 빠지고 말았다. 여기에서 기독교군주사회(基督敎君主社會)는 드디어 붕괴되기 시작하였던 것이다.

The period of the divided kingdoms of north and south came to an end when gentile nations took the people of Israel and Judah into exile. They put an end to the monarchy in Israel. Likewise, at the close of the period of the divided kingdoms of east and west, the papacy had completely lost its prestige and credibility after the repeated defeats of the Crusades. Christianity thus lost its center of spiritual sovereignty. Moreover, since the lords and knights who had maintained feudal society were decimated by the Crusades, feudal society lost its political power and vigor. Since the papacy and the feudal lords had spent enormous funds to pursue these unsuccessful wars, they were left impoverished. Monarchic Christianity began to erode.

The Period of the Divided Kingdoms of North and South and the Period of the Divided Kingdoms of East and West